14 Apr Can my student be considered “independent” for financial aid?
It's not easy to declare your student "independent."...
It's not easy to declare your student "independent."...
You may lose a 529 plan's tax advantages if you don't follow the rules. ...
Before you use your refund for college savings, check the rest of your finances. ...
College borrowing can have long-term consequences. ...
Making the decision: how much tuition is too much?...
There are some very helpful college tax deductions and credits -- if you qualify. ...
A 529 Plan is a smart way to save for a grandchild's college education. ...
The penalty for a non-qualified withdrawal is waived in the case of death....
If your child doesn't go to college, there are different rules for your savings, depending on the kinds of accounts in which you've saved. ...
Buying a larger home can have lasting consequences for your other goals. ...