12 Jul My ex wants me to get his accounts. How can I make sure that happens?
If you don't change your will, state law will determine who gets what property....
If you don't change your will, state law will determine who gets what property....
You can take steps to make sure your information remains private. ...
Your divorce agreement will cover what happens when an ex-spouse dies. ...
When a pension is split after divorce, it usually stays split. ...
You must be married for 10 years before you're eligible for your ex's benefits. ...
Without a will, state law determines how inheritances are received. ...
You should always call Social Security so it can examine your personal records. ...
Here's the lowdown for benefits in the case of divorce....
In a dispute with your ex, you'll probably end up in court....
If you're owed child support, there are several ways to get paid. ...