11 Aug Can my husband’s ex still get part of his 401(k) and pension?
A court would have to decide based on the marital settlement agreement. ...
A court would have to decide based on the marital settlement agreement. ...
Social Security will tell you what benefits you're eligible for. ...
If you remarried, you won't be able to get additional benefits from your ex....
You may be eligible for a spousal benefit even after a marriage ends. ...
Your divorce paperwork will detail what happens to assets after a death. ...
You can take steps to make sure your information remains private. ...
Consider taxes before you agree to your divorce settlement. ...
Ex-spouses may not have any standing when it comes to an ex's death. ...
There are steps to take before some countries will recognize a U.S. divorce. ...
The exit tax isn't an extra tax, but an estimated tax on the capital gain from a home sale. ...