20 Dec How often should I check my portfolio now that Trump was elected?
Photo: pixabay.comQ. What is the rule for how often I should check my portfolio, and how often I should reallocate it? Does this change at all with Trump’s election?
— Investor
A. Whatever allocation you’ve set for your portfolio, it will change as the market moves, whether up or down.
You’re right to want to make sure your investments are where you want them to be based on your goals, time horizon and risk tolerance.
Many financial advisors suggest reviewing your portfolio monthly or quarterly, said Bill Connington of Connington Wealth Management in Paramus.
“This allows you to assess performance, rebalance if necessary, and stay aligned with your long-term goals,” he said.
Rebalance of your portfolio can occur at any time but most rebalances should occur at least once a year, he said.
“As for any changes to this approach due to Trump’s election the answer from me would be no,” Connington said. “Your investment portfolio should be based on your risk and return factors and the goals you have for you.”
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This story was originally published in December 2024.
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