29 Nov Social Security stopped my death benefits. Was that correct?
Photo: pixabay.comQ. I used to receive death benefits from SSI. My husband passed away in 2009. I received death benefits, including for my two kids until my daughter turned 16. Then they stopped my death benefits. Why? Also, Social Security said I have to wait until I turn 50, then will get death benefits back. Is that correct?
— Widow
A. We’re sorry to hear about your troubles.
These benefits can be confusing, but eligibility requirements are very specific.
The Social Security Administration says there are several cases where spouses receive monthly death benefits of a deceased spouse, said Kenneth Van Leeuwen, a certified financial planner with Van Leeuwen & Company in Princeton.
The two circumstances that appear to apply to your question is that a widow is age 60 or over, or age 50 if disabled, can receive benefits as can someone who is caring for a dependent under the age of 16, he said.
“It does seem correct that the Social Security Administration stopped your benefits when your child turned 16 and will not resume until your age 50,” he said. “It would not resume until age 60, but you stated that you are currently receiving disability benefits and would be able to start your benefits again at age 50.”
We recommend you contact Social Security directly so it can advise based on your records.
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This story was originally published on Nov. 29, 2021.
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