25 Jan Social Security when you remarry
Photo: VerticalStripe/morguefile.comQ. I currently draw my husband’s Social Security benefits and I plan to remarry. How does this affect my current benefits?
— Wife
A. Things can change if you’re receiving what are called spousal benefits.
If you’re receiving benefits based on your own work record, your benefits will continue, said Bill Connington of Connington Wealth Management in Fairfield.
“If you’re receiving spousal benefits based on your former spouse’s work record, those benefits will generally end upon your getting remarried, but you may be able to receive benefits based on your new spouse’s work record, or on your own,” he said.
Connington said if you’re a widow under age 60, or you’re disabled but under 50, remarriage ends any benefits based on the record of your deceased spouse.
However, if you remarry after age 60 — or after 50 and are disabled — those benefits remain intact, unless you get spousal benefits through your new spouse at age 62 or older if those benefits are higher, he said.
“If your second marriage ends as a result of death, divorce, or annulment in less than 10 years, you will again be eligible to collect benefits on your first spouse’s record,” he said. “Benefits paid to a disabled widow are unaffected by remarriage.”
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This post was first published in January 2018.
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