02 Nov Grandma died without a will
State law takes over when someone dies without a will....
State law takes over when someone dies without a will....
Not reporting cash can leads to all kinds of trouble...
Your options for charitable giving upon your death...
Don't make estate planning moves without considering unintended consequences...
To cut someone out of your will, be proactive ...
When you want an equal distribution of your assets, you need to be proactive. ...
Before adding someone to a deed, consider gift taxes, estate taxes and Medicaid. ...
You can leave your estate to a baby, but be sure to do it the right way. ...
When you're planning for estate taxes, you'll benefit from a team of money pros. ...
If you have an adult child who is not responsible with money, there are steps to take to ensure any money you leave to him is somewhat protected from his spendthrift ways....