06 Feb What’s the maximum property tax relief under Stay NJ?
Photo: pixabay.comQ. I have a question about the following tax refund programs: Senior Freeze; Stay NJ and ANCHOR. If a person is eligible for all three programs, what is the maximum dollar amount one can receive?
— Homeowner
A. People have a lot of questions about how these programs will work together.
In short, the Treasury Department will first add together your benefit from ANCHOR and the Senior Freeze. If it’s less than 50% of your property tax bill — to a maximum of $6,500 — you’d get another payment under Stay NJ to bring you to the maximum you are eligible for.
Let’s say your property tax bill is $10,000. Your maximum property tax relief will be $5,000.
But let’s say your property tax bill is $20,000. Ten thousand dollars would be 50%, but that’s above the $6,500 maximum benefit. So $6,500 would be the most you could receive.
The Treasury Department said in late 2025, after the benefits are all paid, it will send recipients a letter that spells out exactly how their personal benefits were calculated.
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This story was originally published in February 2025.
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