20 Feb How soon can I file for ANCHOR, Senior Freeze, Stay NJ?
Photo: pixabay.comQ. I see that the last day to file PAS-1 is Oct. 31, 2025. What is the earliest that I can file? Do I need to wait to receive the packet in the mail? Any idea when the packets will be mailed out?
— Senior
A. You can actually file now.
The Treasury Department made the online version of the application available last week so you can get started. It can be found at propertytaxreliefapp.nj.gov.
The agency said more than a million paper applications will be mailed out in March if you prefer to apply that way, but remember that the only way to get direct deposit is to apply online.
Not everyone will receive a mailed application, though. You can download and print one out from the state’s website.
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This story was originally published in February 2025.
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