03 Sep Where can I report medical overbilling?
Photo: pixabay.comQ. Where can I report medical overbilling?
— Patient
A. Medical overbilling is certainly a headache.
And worse. It could be fraud.
Depending on the specifics of your situation, there are several ways to proceed.
Start, as always, with the provider. Have them explain the bill to make sure it’s not a simple and innocent error.
If it’s not, your insurance company, whether private insurance or Medicare, will have a department tasked with making sure it’s not overpaying or being defrauded.
Contact your insurance company directly, but for Medicare, there are several options.
Call (800) MEDICARE or call the Inspector General fraud hotline at (800) HHS-TIPS, or do it online here.
Email your questions to Ask@NJMoneyHelp.com.
This story was originally published in September 2024.
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