30 Jul How do I get the $50 property tax credit?
Photo: pixabay.comQ. I’m confused about the $50 property tax credit. I’ve been told I don’t need to file a tax return to get it. Is that correct?
— Unsure
A. The $50 property tax credit is due to eligible seniors who don’t claim a property tax deduction on their tax returns.
“The credit is claimed on the NJ-1040, but if the beneficiary doesn’t file tax forms, we’ve historically included that payment in their property tax relief payment,” the Treasury Department said.
You should keep an eye out for it to be included when you get your next ANCHOR payment.
We expect residents for whom the Treasury Department already has the needed information to receive letters in early- to mid-August saying their applications have been filed automatically. Those who don’t get the letter should get a packet shortly after the letters go out. And if you don’t get anything, you will be able to apply online, but that portal isn’t available just yet.
Then we expect payments to start going out in waves in early October, though the state hasn’t confirmed the timeline yet.
When you get the ANCHOR payment, if the $50 is not included, you should reach out to the Division of Taxation.
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This story was originally published in July 2024.
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