12 Jun When will the next ANCHOR application come out?
Photo: pixabay.comQ. Do you know when the applications are going out for 2020 ANCHOR payment. Last year I got a notice saying I wasn’t getting an application that they are using previous information. Is this the case for this year?
— Homeowner
A. A lot of people get confused about the ANCHOR benefit timeframe, so let’s make sure we have it straight.
The benefit that was paid earlier this year was for the 2020 tax year. The next one that will be paid out, we expect in November, will be for the 2021 tax year.
For the 2020 benefit, the state sent notices to many homeowners and renters saying their applications would be filed automatically based on information the state already had. If something changed for you, you were supposed to contact the state to update it and if you didn’t receive a notice, you would have had to apply.
We expect similar notices for the 2021 benefit will go out in late August, and the benefits would start being paid out in early November. But if the state can’t confirm the information it has, or if you don’t get that notice, you will have to apply. Applications should be available early this fall.
The state is also working on the details for the new Stay NJ benefit, which will include a new application to cover Stay NJ, ANCHOR and the Senior Freeze property tax break. Nothing has been finalized yet, but here’s what the state is considering.
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This story was originally published in June 2024.
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