Can a trust be eligible for rebates when someone dies?


Q. Are rebates for things like electrical improvements available to homes in trust? And after the named tenant passes? My father recently passed, after having his home and some assets put in trust with me as the trustee. I’m also executrix of his estate, and am now making necessary repairs and improvements to his home to prepare it for sale.
— Executrix

A. We’re sorry to hear about your dad.

Hopefully this will help you to get done all the paperwork in your future.

Rebates for electrical improvements are generally available to homes in trust, and the process typically continues even after the named tenant passes, provided the trustee handles the transactions and applications correctly, said Mark Balian, partner and chair of the tax, trusts and estates department at Wells, Jaworski & Liebman in Paramus.

“Rebates and other home upgrades can vary significantly depending on your location and the specific programs available,” he said. “Check your federal, state, and local incentives and the state’s energy department to determine the precise rebates and incentives you seek and to determine the correct information or forms that must be submitted to continue to receive them.”

As a rule of thumb, keep detailed records of all improvements, including receipts, contracts and correspondence with rebate programs, Balian said.

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This story was originally published in May 2024. presents certain general financial planning principles and advice, but should never be viewed as a substitute for obtaining advice from a personal professional advisor who understands your unique individual circumstances.
