21 Nov How can we transfer car ownership when new owner can’t be there?
Photo: pixabay.comQ. My husband will be gifting his old BMW to our daughter who is currently in medical school out of the country and won’t come home to New Jersey until December. He wants to title it in her name, register it in her name, and get it insured in her name before Nov. 30. Does MVC have a specific power of attorney form?
— Mom
A. The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) offers a power of attorney document on its website, but it’s not the one you need.
The MVC does not provide a specific limited power of attorney (POA) form or format, spokesman William Connolly said.
But there are specific requirements, he said.
Limited powers of attorney for this transaction must be notarized and include:
- The Appointee/Attorney-in-Fact’s name and address.
- The Principal’s (person granting power of attorney) name, address, and signature.
- A specification of what powers are being granted AND for what vehicle: Year, Make and VIN are required to be listed.
Then when you visit MVC to process the transaction, you must present your identification, he said.
You can learn more about transferring vehicle ownership on the MVC website.
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This story was originally published on Nov. 21, 2023.
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