30 Oct My base year for the Senior Freeze is wrong. What to do?
Photo: pixabay.comQ. I became eligible for my Senior Freeze in 2018. I received my Senior Freeze booklet with my base year tax already printed on the form for 2022. It says my base year is 2021. Shouldn’t it be for 2018 when I first became eligible? My income has stayed under the income limit for eligibility.
— Homeowner
A. It’s a great question, but one you’re going to have to contact the Division of Taxation to discuss.
Under the New Jersey Senior Freeze Program, eligible senior citizens are reimbursed for the cumulative property tax increase on their principal residence located in New Jersey.
The “base year” is defined as the first year that all of the eligibility requirements were met.
For example, a resident who first became eligible between Jan. 1, 2009 and Dec. 31, 2009 has a base year of 2009.
From what you say, you have stayed eligible, and you may be correct.
But you’re going to have to go through the details of your situation with the Division of Taxation to make sure it has the correct information.
But hurry. The deadline for the application is Oct. 31, 2023.
Call the Senior Freeze Information Line at (800) 882-6597.
Email your questions to .
This story was originally published on Oct. 30, 2023.
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