20 Dec I live in Florida. Do I still get the ANCHOR property tax break?
Photo: pixabay.comQ. I have owned a house and been a resident of New Jersey for 35 years and I own a home here, I changed my domicile to Florida on Jan. 1, 2021. Am I still eligible for the ANCHOR property tax break?
— Homeowner
A. You’re in luck.
If you owned a home in New Jersey on Oct. 1, 2019, you may qualify as long as you meet the other criteria, according to the state’s website.
It said you don’t have to be a current resident to apply. It’s all about your status in 2019.
Your New Jersey home must have been your primary residence then.
If because you moved, you didn’t receive an application notice by mail or email, you should call the hotline at (888) 238-1233.
If you need to change your mailing address, you can do it when you file the application or online.
Email your questions to .
This story was originally published on Dec. 20, 2022.
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