11 Oct How do I get my ANCHOR property tax benefit if I moved?
Photo: pixabay.comQ. What happens to the ANCHOR property tax rebate if I move before I get my money from the state?
— Garden Stater
A. The ANCHOR property tax benefit replaces the Homestead Rebate, and more people are eligible.
If you owned a home in New Jersey on Oct. 1, 2019, but you’ve since sold it, or if you were a renter and you’ve moved, you can still get the benefit assuming you meet all the qualifications.
If you have already filed your application, you can still change your address with the state on its address change page.
If you haven’t yet filled it out, you can change your current address and also select direct deposit as the method of payment, the state said. If you prefer to receive a check, you can provide your current mailing address, it said.
Most people should have received their application by now. If you didn’t, you can call the ANCHOR hotline at (888) 238-1233.
Also, know that if you filed for the Homestead Rebate last year, you can get the PIN you need to file for ANCHOR on the state website.
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This story was originally published on Oct. 11, 2022.
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