07 May I forgot to add car loan to bankruptcy. What now?
Photo: pixabay.comQ. I filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and the discharge was in January 2019. I since realized that I forgot to add my current car lender to the list of creditors. What do I do?
— Setting things right
A. We hope you’re on the right path with this fresh start.
Because you already received your discharge, that means your bankruptcy case is closed, said Karra Kingston, a bankruptcy attorney in Union City.
She said you’d have to reopen your case to add an unlisted creditor to your bankruptcy petition.
“You must have a good reason for failing to include the omitted creditor,” Kingston said. “If the court agrees with you and reopens your case, then you can add that creditor for the purpose of discharging the debt.”
She recommends you contact your bankruptcy attorney immediately. Because your attorney will have all the facts of your case, he or she can take a closer look.
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This story was originally published on May 7, 2019.
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